Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Revenge is sweet

And so the wheel has turned......and how .

After Daddy's victory in 'Wake a sleeping baby' the other night, I have been plotting my reprisal with intricate care and attention. I decided that it would not be enough to just win, I must win with glory!

My chosen event was 'Poo with the nappy off', a contest at which I knew he was already weak, having beaten him at it only the previous day. I decided also to pick my timing to maximise my advantage, that being 4:30am, when he would be bleary eyed and in which his coordination and skill could well be fundamentally undermined. I also decided to up the ante and throw in a special move that I have been planning for a while now, the 'Unexpected pee'.

And so it transpired, my execution was perfect and Daddy had made the fatal error of changing me away from my mat and the normal baby wipes and cotton wool that he generally arms himself with. "How", he exclaimed as he looked at the mess that had unfolded in front of him, " can a baby that wears a nappy for 99.9% of the day, possibly excrete so much in the 2 minutes it takes to change her?"

Glory goes to Baby Bea. I have stamped my authority over all future games. Only a fool would challenge me now!!

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